Monday, January 12, 2009

Sims 3 Great Pyramid Map Door To Death

review in the Journal of

Julie first Italian

Philippe Boesmans

In Bolzano
closes an opera season by winning and courageous choices.

There's all the drama of Strindberg in the new staging of the opera in one act "Julie" by Philippe Boesmans, national premiere at the Teatro Comunale di Bolzano. If the interest of the Belgian composer looks at the intelligibility of speech and therefore the importance of the text, signed by the director Manfred Schweigkofler has the advantage of enriching this theater, coloring meanings of the drama Miss Julie. Where the music accompanies the breaking linear narrative of the dreams of three characters, never overpowering the dialogue, the scene is full of symbols, building on the verticality of el'orizzontalitĂ  hear Jean, Julie and Kristin. On stage, a narrow and deep ramp, where it all begins and will end, immersed in a dark forest of birch true. This is the magical landscape, a place that leaves no way out, because the forest is the cage, such as siskin of this right from the start at center stage. And in the woods there is the orchestra, who wears the boots of the Count, looming presence, expressionless, wearing masks of society: those who look without revealing their identity. Among the interesting ideas Schweigkofler is the reinvention of the character of Kristin: the only one to know where and who he is, in a balance that will bring even the lead against the couple Jean-Julie. Applause for performers, great singers-actors, and the young orchestra of the Accademia Neue Musik Bolzano, with precise gestures and energetic live by Joana Carneiro.

monique ciola

Actresses Showing Breasts

Julie on Sole24Ore! Julie-

click on the item to read

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Show Me How To Make A Nappy Cake Carriage

Teatro Comunale di Bolzano

last night that the excitement of our first national Julie!

It always ends up at the end of the tests of a performance exhaust with a mixed emotion of tension and concentration. All theses, the soloists now no longer speak because then the voice becomes more precious than gold, the toolmaker goes round and round on the stage prepared to control for the umpteenth time not to forget anything, drivers ensure that everything is in place, the makeup fades every shadow, someone has gone to buy the traditional gift of toi toi or write a few words of thanks and good luck. I fly around like a crazy in the dressing rooms, stage, orchestra pit and all doubts assail me as possible, :"... and if a tree falls, and if the cyclorama of snaps in the fall, and if the show does not like to nothing, and what I have in mind the time to ask to have the orchestra on stage, and if the bird escapes as he did during the trial, and if Lara slips into his run in the platform and ends in the orchestra, and if the chair off the cable as it descends or falls into the lamp head of the first violin ....". In short, there remains some doubt on everything and anything I come every time there is a before my show. I met Manfred, the director, in the foyer of the theater while the audience was coming in, we hugged like two magnets, accomplices, so much fear and safety have never seen so contemporary about the same people. I view the show from the gallery, along with some of my colleagues. Andrej lighting designer was more nervous than me, was making strange gestures with his nose that had obviously signs an inner tension.

105 minutes of show, 10 seconds of suspense, then the applause of the audience who like caresses alleviate any concerns. The show went very well, a couple of inaccuracies which we realized only by us and our three players who did their best. We ran on stage to applause, how exciting! Sandro, a stage director, gave me a beautiful bouquet of white flowers. I asked him who I had to give, and he laughingly told me they were for me. Behind the scenes big hug from all of us. Then drink a toast with the technical side on stage with some friends who came to see the show.

In Foyer, meanwhile, had prepared a nice dinner for us all.

The rest of the story because you do not get confused between me and the other a toast!

But as soon as I find time I show you some pictures of the show and for those who Julie wants to hear the announcement that will be broadcast on Radio Rai Tre, but for this I keep you updated on dates and times. is the site of the theater where you can find more information about the work Julie.