Saturday, February 20, 2010

How To Construct A Reed Bed

This is our latest work, this is a limited series of mixed media (photo and painting in tempera on canvas on wood, with gornice included in the media, gold leaf).
The format of the series to small size (25x25cm) includes 20 pieces and a piece in large format (50x50). This work, on commission, is simply a reflection on the concept of sacred and popular icon. A gift and a visionary imagination, the dream of taking in his hands the sun, without burning the wings. A game between the smallness of man and the immensity of nature, which alternates in this figure slightly surreal. (Reproduction)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Telephonce Disconnection Letter

hands of Lara Designs costumes for "La Voix Humaine" and "The Telephone"

Canadian Wii In Australia

sketch scene of "La Voix Humaine" and "The Telephone" Reflections on the draft

Hairdresser Tamplates

A lipstick to do at home!

Blogghiste Hey!
I find anywhere a recipe for making a lipstick at home! It 's amazing!
So, first get yourself a fruit (a beet, a pomegranate, a strawberry- careful if you are allergic! - For red) and put it in the microwave a few seconds. Then mix your fruit with a few drops of olive oil and sugar, add your own until you get the consistency you want. "
Spennellatevelo finally boobies lips or dab with a sponge soaked with the mixture.

Stomah Pains Cold Drinks

sparkling balls

you know those sparkling balls that sell for its weight in gold in health food stores? Well, I found the recipe on the internet to do it at home!


3 parts baking soda and 1 part 1 / 2 starch, citric acid

essential oil

Take a bowl and stir in oils along with baking soda to get homogeneous mixture. Add citric acid and still continue to stir.
Put the mixture into the ramekins, then cover with plastic wrap. Place the molds in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.
Remove the mixture from the molds and let it dry at room temperature on a sheet of tissue paper or parchment paper. Put the balls in a jar with sparkling hermetically sealed and use them whenever you want!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I.c.c In Hairdressing

face masks do-it-yourself

see your skin spoiled, fat or other pitfalls of the genre? Here are grandma's remedies to cleanse your face!

mask points against blacks
The top ingredient is pumpkin, an excellent source of beta carotene, the precursor of vitamin A is so important for our skin. Pumpkin combats free radical damage and exerts an anti-inflammatory. It is therefore particularly suitable for smoothing the skin and remove imperfections and signs of aging. The recipe: 1 small piece of boiled pumpkin, 1 tablespoon of fresh cream. In laying on your face for half an hour. Rinse with warm water.

mask for oily skin

Oily skin has an ally in nature: the tomato. This result matches the action in fact smoothing and brightening moisturizer that: a perfect synergy for skin plagued by spots and sebum. But the tomato is a blessing for the skin because it also protects against damage from ultraviolet rays and fights free radicals and delaying the onset of the signs of aging. The recipe: 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon of fresh tomato. In laying on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

mask for very dry skin

very dry skin easily tends to flaking and itching. To moisturize and nourish you can use butter goat applied to the skin, stimulates blood circulation, the capillaries dilate and, with the highest blood flow, increases the intake of nutrients (vitamins and minerals). Recipe: Apply on the face of goat butter, press in place for 20 minutes and rinse.

Mask antiocchiaie

The extra virgin olive oil is a source of health for the skin because, thanks to its acidity, highly compatible with that of the epidermis, has a soothing and protective It is also an excellent antioxidant. It is therefore a valuable ingredient in a form that helps to reduce dark circles in the morning. The recipe: 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon wildflower honey, 1 tablespoon of fresh milk. On for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water alternating fresh.

Lotion tonic-detergent

The natural astringent for excellence is mint. Applied to leaves on the skin, exercise an effective antiseptic, refreshing, purifying and toning. The recipe: 1 cup of milk and some fresh mint leaves. Dip a cotton ball and pass it several times on the face, lips and neck. Wipe with a wet swab.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Living Room Accent Wall In Chocolate Brown

Chocolate Pudding Puppets in

Here is a quick and easy recipe to prepare ...


1 liter of whole milk 100 grams of dark chocolate

100 grams of flour 50 g unsweetened cocoa powder
150 g sugar 100 g butter

Bring the milk to a boil, remove from heat and add the butter and dark chocolate pieces to melt.
In a pan put the flour, sugar and cocoa. Mix well and add milk gradually, stirring with a whisk to avoid lumps.
Now Put everything on medium heat and bring to a boil always turning with a wooden spoon (be careful, that attaches easily).
Just from the first signs of boiling turn off the gas and put a spoon into the molds (silicone and aluminum, but you can put in plastic cups). If you prefer maybe a single mold, so when you cut it into slices deformed ... (Lining the inside with plastic prior to pouring the mixture will help you pull out).
Bring to room temperature and place all containers in the fridge.
Allow at least a couple of hours before consumption.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Isabella Soprano Feet Saber

pannolenci very nice. Welcome

Blogghisti Hey!
I love the plush, I'd say are my passion and so I always go around the network (Internet!) to find some tutorials that can teach you to create some nice peluchino. The simplest ones are those put in pannolenci or felt. Just now I found a hole (which I link) which has some very nice tutorial for creating stuffed animals. I write the procedure to create some-I chose the prettiest. "

The Mole

Needed: pannolenci beige 7x8 cm; pannolenci dark brown; card black cloth; 20 cm wire-thin black-

Procedure: Made the body by placing the tail between the seams, padded . Glue eyes, nose and paws and colored pupils. Folo Fold the metal as shown in the image and attached to Musina.

The Bunny

Needed: pannolenci pink flesh 13x10 cm, 3x3 cm pannolenci light pink; pannolenci orange light, red and white checkered cloth 16x6 cm; card black cloth, cotton embroidery pink flesh.

Procedure: Build your body with the fabric squares and stuffed. Sew the head after he pulled his ears, overlapping previously, in the spaces marked. The striped areas are the parts that need to be slipped between the seams. Padded head and then sewn to the body. Glue the legs and eyes. Color the eyes and the orange pastel colored cheeks. The fabric squares make a bow following the directions of the image.

The Duck

Needed: pannolenci dark green 8x5 cm, 5x6 cm pannolenci beige, brown pannolenci 4x5 cm; pannolenci orange light 3x3, 5; pannolenci ocher 2.5 x4 cm; pannolenci orange 2x3 cm; pannolenci color brick red card cloth of black and white.

Procedure: Made duck sticking the belly, body, neck and head to where you entered the bill. Sewn and stuffed. The striped areas are the parts that need to be slipped between the seams and overlapping. Icollate wings, feet and eyes. Draw the pupils.


Needed: pannolenci color White 12x11 cm; pannolenci color sugar paper 5x6 cm; pannolenci fuchsia pink, black cloth card.

Procedure: Made and stuffed the body. Sew the head after he pulled his ears in the spaces marked. As usual the striped areas are the parts that need to be strung between the seams. Padded, and the head sewn to the body. Glue around the eye, eyes, nose and feet. Colored legs and cheeks.

The rate

Needed: pannolenci tan 15x10 cm, dark brown pannolenci cm 2,5 x3, 5; pannolenci wine-red, white cloth, paper, cotton black.

Procedure: Made the body by placing the tail between the seams, padded. Sew the head after he pulled his ears in the spaces marked. The striped areas are the parts that need to be slipped between the seams. Padded, and the head sewn to the body. Paste the gironaso, nose, eyes and feet. Colored pupils. With black pastel colored stripes on the tail and the orange paint the mask cheeks. Cotton embroidered with the black line above the eyes.


Needed: pannolenci 10x11 cm light pink flesh; pannolenci orange, black rag paper.

Procedure: Made the body by placing the tail between the seams, padded.
Sew the head after he pulled his ears in the spaces marked. The striped areas are the parts that need to be slipped between the seams. Padded, and the head sewn to the body. Glue the legs, eyes and nose. Color the eyes and the orange-red colored pastel shades.

The Elephant

Needed: pannolenci pea green 15x18 cm; pannolenci cream, black rag paper.

Procedure: Made by inserting the body between the tail and leg seams. Padded.
Sew the head after he pulled his ears in the spaces marked. The striped areas are the parts that need to be slipped between the seams. Padded, sewn and then the head the body. Glue the eyes and cheeks and then colored pupils.

Here are the patterns:

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Are Smoke Grenades Legal

Hello, I am Frank and welcome to my blog. I have a passion
a little 'to everything, but the pages of this site is mainly the following topics: microbiology, biology, decoupage, do-it-yourself and you can also write to me at dinky.messages @ to meet your questions, you know those newspapers with letters of the girls are doing "Dear Pink, help me I do not know what to do ..." you write "Dear Fra, bla bla bla and then bla bla bla ....." bored over there, have fun!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Cervix Is Very Low And Hard

scenic La voix humaine - The telephone

been commissioned to design the sets and costumes for a show that accepts only two acts on stage as well radically different as La voix humaine by Poulenc and The telephone Menotti, I led a discussion and research on the historical and aesthetic context provided by the two tracks. The two pieces now, I have brought to mind the environments represented in the paintings of Edward Hopper.

As Jean Cocteau, author of the book, typed and La Voix humaine in 1929 is that as an argument the private drama of a woman within the four walls of a room, the artist assumes the U.S. Hopper ' arduous task of preserving images of ordinary life in the city on the web, she left as a witness of the era.

The work of the American as well as the scene of this show is stripped of ornaments and symbols, being naked and empty, and the lack of communication becomes the subject of discourse, which is revealed in a monologue in two, phone, Cocteau and frivolous talk on the phone by Menotti.

In the works of Hopper dominates a distant vision, but careful, a voyeuristic look into the anonymity of living spaces in the ruthless "machines for living" which are the cities.

The little things, the banality, the anonymity and, above all the boredom, become, twenty years later, the subject and theme of existentialism, just when Poulenc will complement the work of Jean friend, putting it in music. The windows of the domestic space from which the audience become so protected, it is possible to observe the lives of others. The two works of Poulenc and Menotti not tell important stories, if not for the protagonists themselves. In both pieces we are given to assist in human voices and talk protected from the walls, which fill the space up to channel them in more subtle passages of households, a telephone cord.

This attitude has become subject Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock's famous film of 1954, which puts the voyeurism at the heart of the story. In the movie the main character, a photojournalist who has seen enough of war, forced into the chair for his broken leg, banishes boredom spying on the neighbors having to sacrifice a Grace Kelly in a silver platter. And 'the spectacle of banality, work on private and irresistible curiosity not having to watch the intimacy of others, nothing new, therefore, for those accustomed to the theater.

The scene that I drew, then, came from these reflections is intentionally similar to a movie set, but twice and turned so that they are simultaneously inside and outside of the room, leaving open can be observed and observers. A horizontal composition, panoramic Cinemascope, where it is built only what fits in the frame, alternating empty and full, convex and concave, inside and out. As it is evident that the two spaces seem simultaneously, just as it denied the needs that exist at the same time.

It is not that the story of Lucy, for example, follows the rule of the protagonist, anonymous, once again, the human voice, as both are held in an unspecified time in the memory of the place itself.

Many of Hopper's paintings are not faithful representations of existing architectures, but elaboration of sketches made of the car, parked in front of the place chosen by the artist, who drew such suspicion and concerns of residents. When Hopper realized the paintings that inspired me the scene of the show lived in the neighborhood of Washington Square in New York. His paintings I mentioned in the stage were lit interiors suggested that the artist saw when he walked at night through the streets of the city, and then reassembled in his study, as memories of clues to investigate.

The combination of the two events La voix humaine and The telephone stimulates reflections on marital relationships and the different approaches of the two women with the man she loved, devoted and touching the first, the frivolous and fickle second, fleeing frantically from one idea to be able to belong to someone, for what he is loving and caring.

Hotels in Hopper's paintings were chosen by me as places of alienation and exile. Imagining of wanting to take refuge in an intimate and private, perhaps escaping from a love that consumes us, often it is decided, a bit 'by instinct a bit' out of necessity, to make the case for change to bulk air, little matter the goal, it is better if a big city maybe in the afterlife, the ocean.

So he imagined that the interpreter of the first piece has decided to leave Europe for refuge in a quiet room on the third floor of a hotel in New York. The same room has hosted Lucy, the lively girl, already emancipated, of which Ben is madly in love, so that follow, we assume business trips that the girl willingly concludes with evening entertainment. Purposefully on stage is nothing spectacular, even when Lucy is beautiful, it does so on the way out.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Royal Bank Of Scotland India Work Culture

panoramic photo of the scene , in La voix humaine processing

We're almost there, here are the photos of the scene of Voix Humaine, and The Telephone, which I'm working with in the laboratories of Georg Malfertheiner Venetian Productions Umberto Andretta and Renzo Cornuda, Silea in Treviso.
There are still details but the photos already get the idea.
soon will be in the blog also sketches of costumes and related photos. The protagonist of
Voix Humaine by Francis Poulenc will Cristina Zavala, while we Blerta Zhegu The Telephone (Lucy) and Matthias Nicolini (Ben).
Directed by Emir Saul, director Sandro Pasqualetto, lights Claudio Schmid, Claudio Monteverdi Orchestra of Bolzano.

setting Voix Humaine - The Telephone when decorating.