Monday, February 15, 2010

Isabella Soprano Feet Saber

pannolenci very nice. Welcome

Blogghisti Hey!
I love the plush, I'd say are my passion and so I always go around the network (Internet!) to find some tutorials that can teach you to create some nice peluchino. The simplest ones are those put in pannolenci or felt. Just now I found a hole (which I link) which has some very nice tutorial for creating stuffed animals. I write the procedure to create some-I chose the prettiest. "

The Mole

Needed: pannolenci beige 7x8 cm; pannolenci dark brown; card black cloth; 20 cm wire-thin black-

Procedure: Made the body by placing the tail between the seams, padded . Glue eyes, nose and paws and colored pupils. Folo Fold the metal as shown in the image and attached to Musina.

The Bunny

Needed: pannolenci pink flesh 13x10 cm, 3x3 cm pannolenci light pink; pannolenci orange light, red and white checkered cloth 16x6 cm; card black cloth, cotton embroidery pink flesh.

Procedure: Build your body with the fabric squares and stuffed. Sew the head after he pulled his ears, overlapping previously, in the spaces marked. The striped areas are the parts that need to be slipped between the seams. Padded head and then sewn to the body. Glue the legs and eyes. Color the eyes and the orange pastel colored cheeks. The fabric squares make a bow following the directions of the image.

The Duck

Needed: pannolenci dark green 8x5 cm, 5x6 cm pannolenci beige, brown pannolenci 4x5 cm; pannolenci orange light 3x3, 5; pannolenci ocher 2.5 x4 cm; pannolenci orange 2x3 cm; pannolenci color brick red card cloth of black and white.

Procedure: Made duck sticking the belly, body, neck and head to where you entered the bill. Sewn and stuffed. The striped areas are the parts that need to be slipped between the seams and overlapping. Icollate wings, feet and eyes. Draw the pupils.


Needed: pannolenci color White 12x11 cm; pannolenci color sugar paper 5x6 cm; pannolenci fuchsia pink, black cloth card.

Procedure: Made and stuffed the body. Sew the head after he pulled his ears in the spaces marked. As usual the striped areas are the parts that need to be strung between the seams. Padded, and the head sewn to the body. Glue around the eye, eyes, nose and feet. Colored legs and cheeks.

The rate

Needed: pannolenci tan 15x10 cm, dark brown pannolenci cm 2,5 x3, 5; pannolenci wine-red, white cloth, paper, cotton black.

Procedure: Made the body by placing the tail between the seams, padded. Sew the head after he pulled his ears in the spaces marked. The striped areas are the parts that need to be slipped between the seams. Padded, and the head sewn to the body. Paste the gironaso, nose, eyes and feet. Colored pupils. With black pastel colored stripes on the tail and the orange paint the mask cheeks. Cotton embroidered with the black line above the eyes.


Needed: pannolenci 10x11 cm light pink flesh; pannolenci orange, black rag paper.

Procedure: Made the body by placing the tail between the seams, padded.
Sew the head after he pulled his ears in the spaces marked. The striped areas are the parts that need to be slipped between the seams. Padded, and the head sewn to the body. Glue the legs, eyes and nose. Color the eyes and the orange-red colored pastel shades.

The Elephant

Needed: pannolenci pea green 15x18 cm; pannolenci cream, black rag paper.

Procedure: Made by inserting the body between the tail and leg seams. Padded.
Sew the head after he pulled his ears in the spaces marked. The striped areas are the parts that need to be slipped between the seams. Padded, sewn and then the head the body. Glue the eyes and cheeks and then colored pupils.

Here are the patterns:


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